Pet products
Make sure you purchase the necessary supplies before getting your adopted dog. Bowls for water and food, an ID tag including its name, a bed, a dog collar, and a leash is required.
If you have never had a dog before, there are regular tasks needed to keep your adopted dog happy and healthy. Feeding and making sure the dog has water, regular exercise, once per year for shots and a general health checkup is necessary.
Set Limits
When no limits are set, a dog will typically do what it wants. As there is no establishment of hire-achy yet, and it is quite common for the dog to try and establish dominance - a practice adopted from dogs in the wild.
Dog Training
The level and frequency of dog training depends on the adopted dog in question. It's quite common for an adopted dog not to agree to vocal commands, even if he or she recognizes them during the first few days of adoption. The dog is scared, nervous, and anxious.. Allow your pup to get accommodated with its new home and family.
I would leave this period of acquaintance to no more than 3 days. It is important to start obedience training as soon as possible, but, especially where adopted dogs are concerned, there is such a thing as pushing them too hard.